Sunday, March 16, 2014

Science, Humanities, or Both?

My major right now is Liberal Arts: Social Science and humanities, so I get to try parts of both worlds. It's hard to choose one because they both deal with aspects that I love so I will have to choose both. I love the hard facts and evidence science uses to prove and disprove facts, but I also love exploring the human culture, from the critical and analytical aspects. They both have so much to offer and I for one love gaining new knowledge.  For example, when I took my philosophy class we went into some controversial topics dealing with how people would react to them and why. In my current biology course we are learning all about cells and a variety of organs dealing with different functions in the body. You're telling me that is not interesting? To me it is and that is why I label myself as both a Humanities and Science Person. I believe people in the United States have a mixture of positive and negative feelings towards science/technology today. Some feel as if it is an advancement for mankind while others feel it is only hurting us. During the medieval ages it was a crime to go against the church and the church made all the rules. Religion and science don't always see eye to eye (I believe we all can see that) but since then we have obtained a better understanding of both through the ages. By just comparing the medieval ages to the present day I believe a majority of people accept science as a way of understanding the world.

Welcome Post!

Hello there fellow bloggers! My name is Kevin Vega and this is my very own personal blog! In this blog I will be discussing and analyzing a variety of issues which interest me and hopefully you as well. I'm currently at my final year at laGuardia Community College and just recently been accepted to Baruch College, go me! I'm going to pursue a career within the field of economics and with hard work and determination I will succeed. I like to be eccentric and outgoing only to people that I get to know, otherwise, I keep to myself. So sit back, relax, and enjoy what's to come!