Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Critical Thinking Post #3 - Research Paper Topic Brainstorming

            I love science fiction movies. They give me a mixture of action and adventure with good story telling. Technology is an ever expanding idea and the stuff portrayed in those science fiction films is bound to happen eventually. Not everything would happen but a fair amount would with progression. With this being said I have chosen to go with research paper idea #6: Portraying Robots (or Human Clones) in film. Science fiction is always challenging our understanding of what it means to be human by applying the attributes of them onto robots. Hollywood’s view of robots does not mean it is an accurate one but it gives us an idea of what might come with our advancement of technology. It can be debatable between whether filmmakers believe the advancement of robots to be optimistic or pessimistic. Within my essay I will side with just one of those ideas and revolve around it.  For the first film I will be analyzing is “I, Robot”. I believe that to be an amazing film portraying the advancement of a Robot and A.I. and how they can be (or are) equivalent to a human. The second film I have chosen is undecided. I’m stuck between “The Matrix” and “The Terminator”. Both have robots as antagonists and are both compelling. They have scenes showing how the filmmakers believe robots to be and display what we are currently able to do and not do. Choosing between them will be difficult but abstracting ideas from these movies will not. 

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