Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Critical Thinking Post #7 - Scientist's Life and Work

One of the most recent Scientists we look at in class was Robert Oppenheimer. Now Oppenheimer played a huge significant role in the way we live today. Thanks to him the United states has thousands of atomic weapons underground for special events. Oppenheimer faced many obstacles in the pursuit of science and I believe we can all learn from him. Internally he was stuck between a fine line, of morality and success. It wasn't easy, the decisions he had to make denoting the atomic bomb. He was a man of secrets which lead to his exclusion of job. His work shows us a sense of threat, as that single bomb took hundreds of thousands of lives in an instant. It left the area uninhabitable and scared the rest of the world by its destructive nature. By splitting a single atom the destructive force unleashed was unimaginable. This man was recognized, but by infamy. It shows us that science can always be taken to new heights, to an unimaginable extreme, but at a deadly cost. Its effects can be everlasting, shown to us by Oppenheimer, and the pursuit of science can sometimes go against a person morality.

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